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KAFEC | 5+1 reason why to experience the breakfast in Kafec

5+1 reason why to experience the breakfast in Kafec

5+1 reason why to experience the breakfast in Kafec

The smell of freshly grounded Arabica, backed waffles and homemade bread. Smiley barista Aneta thanks to whom you have the feeling like to know her for ages. Morning in Kafec has it´s indispensable magic: breakfast is served. And not just any. Come and experience it. Here is six reasons why to come.

In the first place: We will nick in you taste. You can be damn ……fix

In Kafec you can combine the breakfast your way. You will check whatever you want in the special menu. Sweet or salty? Espresso, special cocoa or home-made juice? Do not disturb, we select.

#2: You can have something what they don´t have elsewhere. You will surrender

Number 1 on our breakfast menu are the waffles. Far-famed goodie, which is attracting the gourmets from miles around. It is perhaps because…we make them after the traditional Belgian recipe, using the real butter, always fresh made and decorated with all good stuff. Hot raspberries. Sweet-scented chocolate. Whipped quark. Mmmm…

Number 2 – this are undoubtedly home-made crispy toasts. We make them out of our own bread and serve it with poached egg, roasted meat, Gouda….Perfect symphony of tastes. Recipe – top secret.

And we are not finished yet. In Kafec you can also enjoy eggs, sausages or delicious smoothie. The selection is really big, complemented by the seasonal goods.

#3: We support the family farms

You always know what you eat in Kafec. Eggs laid by the hens from the free-range and smoked meat from the butcher Mr. Prantl. What we can, we bake by ourselves – in KafecKitchen – (bread, cheesecake or cakes), everything freshly served on your plate and healthy with the traceable origin.

#4: You can sleep calmly, you can have your breakfast till 12 o´clock

Alarm-clock? You don´t need it. In Kafec you can have your breakfast during the weekdays till 12 a.m. and during the weekends and national days till 1 p.m. Nicely in the city centre. Our seat in Brno is on Orlí Street and in Zlin on the T.G. Masaryk square. Here are the addresses.

#5: A smile and a talk about coffee gratis

To enjoy good food and to have a drink is not enough. The things around it are important as well. The atmosphere. Professional service. Friendly service, who will find the time to talk to you about life, about good coffee and how nice you look today. Because these little things are important indeed. These things make Kafec what it is.

This is the most important? No arrogance. Over a coffee we are all equal

In Kafec you will be served by the baristas and brewers, who are one of the best. They spend hours and hours on coffee trainings, visit the roasting companies, and take part in the trades and competitions so they can provide you a real experience from every cup. And what is so substantial about it? That you will be served the ETIOPII MORMORA made on the unique Naked Portafiltr, by the bronze finalist of „the Week of the Coffee“ Aneta Ludwigová? Far from it.

In the end only the impression, which the visit of Kafec is going to give you, is important: damn good breakfast with coffee + relaxed environment of the like-minded people.

Tomas Konecny


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